What's New in Booxter 2.0 ?
  • Added support for music, movies and comic books.
  • Performance is faster, and much larger libraries can be supported. Startup and save of large libraries is now extremely fast.
  • Import from competing products has been added.
  • Added a library manager window (command-F) to let you manage all of your libraries at a glance.
  • The list table now shows histograms for each list as well as item counts.
  • Tables now sort dynamically.
  • The list table can now be sorted by clicking on the column header. Click to sort by list name alphabetically, reverse alphabetically, by order count ascending, and by order count descending.
  • Filter view (command-2) now shows histograms in the right hand side along with item counts for each entry.
  • Filter view shows a sparkline graph along the top right side, with a horizontal bar indicating the average value and a vertical bar showing your location in the list.
  • You can drag the location bar of the sparkline around to move through your filtered list.
  • Added a new tag view (command-3) which shows the relative counts of your items by the size of their tags in the view. You can view by tag for many item attributes, and perform and/or queries.

  • Added the option of choosing a layout when printing multiple items per page so you can set up separate layouts just for printing.
  • Added statistics to bottom of the pages when printing multiple items per page.
  • Improved the printing of headers when printing multiple items per page.
  • When printing labels, added a label grid which lets you click the starting label and double click to toggle the vertical/horizontal ordering (useful when you are starting from a certain label position on a label sheet).
  • Added preview of labels when printing labels.

  • Scanning is all done from a single HUD style window, command-shift-C/V/B for Code, Video, Bluetooth.
  • Scanning now supports full-screen mode, it will show you a search site fetching grid, the status of your search, the current item, and a history list of scanned items.
  • Scanned items can have their titles spoken. This is useful in full-screen mode with a wireless scanner, or in other situations where you are not looking at the screen when scanning.

  • Added a link to each search site in the search preferences which will take you to that site's web page.
  • Added the National Library of Australia as a search site.
  • Improved the performance of fetching from a number of search sites.
  • Added a fetch status widget to the item add/edit panel to show you graphically what is being fetched and what sites are being accessed while the fetches are occurring.

  • The export process has been streamlined to make exporting easier.
  • Export to iPod now exports cover images.

  • Redesigned the edit panel to group similar attributes together (price/price paid, language/original language).
  • Added date format button underneath each date field, so you don't need to specify month and day and year; you can enter just month/year or year.
  • Added date popup to the right of date fields to let you add common dates (today, yesterday, last week, etc) quickly and easily.
  • Keywords field now show keywords in a tag format; they are autocompleted for you and you can drag and drop them in the order you like.
  • Currency popup buttons have been visually redesigned.
  • Detail panel has been redesigned to show data more efficiently.
  • Extra detail text areas at the bottom of the detail panel will be added/removed automatically as the window size increases or decreases.
  • The options panel is now a floating HUD window with all your display options easily accessible.
  • When dragging items outside of a window to drop elsewhere, the main window becomes slightly transparent and moves out of your way to make it easier to drop on your destination.

  • Updates are easier now, using the Sparkle framework. You can check for updates automatically, and when an update is available, you can install it with one click.
  • Everything has been reengineered to make it much easier to localize and translate into different languages.
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